The aim of this site is to highlight some of the concepts surrounding End Time prophecy. As a follower of Christ I continue to learn more about God and His plan for humanity every day and it is such a privilege to be able to share this experience in this way. The Bible really is the living Word of God and it is amazing to see events unfold just as God said it would through His prophets, thousands of years ago.
I hope the content published on this site inspires you to do your own research into what the Bible says. And more importantly, to grow in your own relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. No blog, sermon or book is a substitute for the Bible. If you are serious about the truth of this world, our purpose and the Creator of it all, make the Bible your priority. It is the only book ever to be wholly inspired by the Holy Spirit, making it infallible. Don’t accept what I or anyone else for that matter say or write as the truth. Always compare it to what the Bible says. That is the yardstick we should use to measure everything we hear, see or do.
My prayer for you reading this, is that you’ll choose Jesus, so that you’ll walk in God’s light and be a light in this world for so many who live in darkness. May your life lead others to God and may you be blessed with the eternity of unimaginable peace and joy He is preparing for those who accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and by the strength of the Holy Spirit overcome this earth. This is not our home. But even here we can count on God to never forsake those who place their faith in Him.