End Times Order of Events

End Times Order of Events – a high level overview

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Sequence of End Time events
Who is Jesus? What is the Rapture? What is the Tribulation? What is the Second Coming of Christ? Who are the Antichrist and false prophet? What is the Abomination of Desolation? Who is Satan? What is Armageddon? What is the Bema Seat Judgement? What is the White Throne judgement? What is the Millennium Kingdom? What will the earth be like during the Millennium? What is the Sheep and Goat judgement? What happens to earth? What is hell? What is the Bottomless pit? What are the 70 weeks of Daniel?

Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is part of the Holy Trinity and has been there since the beginning. He is not a created being, but the creator. Through Him all things were created. Continue reading

What is the Rapture?

If you’re somewhat familiar with the Bible, you might have noticed that the word ‘Rapture’ does not actually appear. But the concept is most certainly there. The Greek word used is ‘Harpazo’, which means to seize, claim for oneself eagerly or to snatch out of the way. Continue reading

What is the Tribulation?

Mourning Woman Cry Destruction  - KELLEPICS / Pixabay

The Tribulation will be a 7 year period during which the antichrist and his false prophet will be revealed. He will be an extremely intelligent, powerful and deceptive world leader. Under his leadership, the world will unify to the extent that the Jewish people will be allowed to build their Temple in Jerusalem. It’s not until 3.5 years later that the antichrist will reveal his true intentions and force the world to serve him as god. Continue reading

What is the Second Coming of Christ?

This is the return of Christ to earth. He’ll destroy His enemies, save Israel, judge the nations and reign as king on earth for 1000 years. Continue reading

Who are the Antichrist and false prophet?

The word antichrist means in place of Christ. The Bible refers to this character by many names, including the “man of sin”, “son of perdition” and “the beast”. The Bible also tells of a false prophet that will come onto the scene. Continue reading

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

The abomination of desolation will be an idol or image of the antichrist, which, during the Tribulation, will be placed in the Holy of Holies in the Temple that will be built in Jerusalem. Continue reading

Who is Satan?

Angel Fallen Model Silhouette  - sergeitokmakov / Pixabay

Known by many names (most commonly the devil), Satan was originally called Lucifer. He was of a class of angels called the Cherubim (not to be confused with the small fat babies with wings known in every day life as a Cherub. This had its origin in the Renaissance and has nothing to do with real angels). Continue reading

What is Armageddon?

Gas Mask Toxic Climate Protection  - geralt / Pixabay

Armageddon (Hill of Megiddo in Hebrew) refers to the gathering place of the world’s armies in their final battle against Israel. Continue reading

What is the Bema Seat Judgement?

Crown Tiara Crystals Diamonds Gems  - Pexels / Pixabay

Not all of God’s judgements are a punishment. This is a good one. It is a judgement for God’s children only, where no punishment will be delivered, but rewards for good stewardship will be given. Continue reading

What is the White Throne judgement?

Gavel Auction Hammer Justice Legal  - QuinceCreative / Pixabay

This is the Final judgement of God. It will happen at the end of the Millennium Kingdom, after Satan is let loose for a short time and his final attempt at a revolt against God fails yet again. Continue reading

What is the Millennium Kingdom?

Vintage Crown King Royal Monarch  - GDJ / Pixabay

After Christ returns, he’ll declare victory over His enemies, place Satan in captivity (the bottomless pit) and take His place as the just King and ruler over earth. He’ll reign from Jerusalem and with this, all prophecy regarding Israel that have not yet come into fruition, will be fulfilled. Continue reading

What will the earth be like during the Millennium?

Lion Lamb Sky Jesus God Holy  - jeffjacobs1990 / Pixabay

Once Christ rules as King on earth, the curse that came to be when man first sinned (see Genesis 3) will be rolled back. Continue reading

What is the Sheep and Goat judgement?

Sheep Animals Town Goat Livestock  - GDJ / Pixabay

At the end of the Tribulation, all people that survive the tribulation will be judged by Christ. This is referred to as the sheep and goat judgement. Continue reading

What happens to earth?

After the Millennium Kingdom and White Throne judgement, God will destroy the heaven and earth with fire. And He’ll create a new Heaven and earth. Continue reading

What is hell?

Fire Flames Campfire Bonfire  - nikolaytaman90 / Pixabay

Hell is a place of eternal damnation, torment and separation from God. Continue reading

What is the Bottomless pit?

Space Black Hole Stars Sky  - Heather_Ann / Pixabay

The bottomless pit, also called the Abyss (Abyssos) is a prison where the worst demons and fallen angels are kept imprisoned. Continue reading

What are the 70 weeks of Daniel?

Time Code Digital Information  - TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay

Daniel was given a prophecy by the angel Gabriel, pertaining specifically to Israel and Jerusalem. In total it consists of a 490 year period (each prophetic day equating to a year) with an interval between the 69’th and 70’th prophetic weeks. Continue reading