Avoiding the Apocalypse What is the Tribulation?

What is the Tribulation?

The Tribulation will be a 7 year period during which the antichrist and his false prophet will be revealed. He will be an extremely intelligent, powerful and deceptive world leader. Under his leadership, the world will unify to the extent that the Jewish people will be allowed to build their Temple in Jerusalem. It’s not until 3.5 years later that the antichrist will reveal his true intentions and force the world to serve him as god.

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”


Both the antichrist and his spiritual leader (false prophet) will be empowered by Satan himself. Instruction will be given for an image of the antichrist to be created. Anyone who refuses to worship his image will be killed. A system will also be put in place that requires people to take the mark of the antichrist (commonly known as the mark of the beast) on their foreheads or right hands. Without this mark, it won’t be possible to buy or sell.

This last 3.5 years are also known as the time of Jacob’s troubles or the Great Tribulation. When the antichrist declares himself god, Israel will reject him. As Israel are God’s chosen people, Satan hates them especially. And the most extreme and horrific persecution in Israel’s history will follow, until Israel as a nation accept that Jesus was their Messiah and pray for Him to return. Jesus will then come back to save Israel at the battle of Armageddon.

One cannot begin to imagine what a horrific time this will be. Apart from the antichrist slaughtering Christians and Jews, this is also the time during which God punishes the earth for refusing to accept His Son and continuing in their wicked ways. This time of punishment was not meant for God’s Church. Make sure that you’re not there when it happens. The choice is yours.